
发音:   用"肺动脉压"造句
pulmonary arterial pressure
pulmonary artery pressure
pulmonary pressure
pulmonery arterial pressure
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  1. At present abroad executes cure of extended family oxygen more , can reduce pulmonary artery to press not only , defer the happening of lobar anxiety , and still can alleviate breath is difficult , improve life quality
  2. Long - term oxygen cure can make pulmonary artery is pressed on average drop apparently , the pulmonary artery when research discovers oxygen cure can make acute anoxic is pressed drop 20 % , chronic and anoxic nowadays falls 18 %
    长期氧疗可使肺动脉平均压明显下降,有研究发现氧疗能使急性缺氧时肺动脉压下降20 % ,慢性缺氧时下降18 % 。
  3. 4 . to test a new method of measuring pulmonary pressure , which is independent of pulmonary valvular regurgitation , and a new menthod of measuring left ventricular end - diastolic pressure using doppler echocardiography
  4. The disorders of vascular regulations is characteristic of endotoxin shock with the manifestations of marked reduction in systemic mean arterial pressure whereas pulmonary arterial hypertension , as well as abnormal changes of vascular reactivities of systemic and pulmonary arteries at its initial stage
  5. New methods for noninvasively detecting pulmonary pressure and left ventricular end - diastolic pressure manometer that measures megative pressure in mmhg was connected with the examined subject through a mask . the manometer is a remodeled sphygmomanometer for routine peripheral arterial blood pressure measurement that is market - available . the examined subjects were asked to carry out muller maneuver slowly so that the intrathoracic pressure decreases gradually while the blood flow of the right ventricular outflow tract observed with pulsed doppler echocardiography at the parasternal short - axis view of the great vessels in the two - dimensional echocardiography
    肺动脉压和左室舒张末压无创测定新方法随机选取有肺动脉瓣返流受检者,根据我们提出的假说,人为地降低胸内压(附加胸腔负压) ,当降到肺动脉内压力等于或小于右室压时,肺动脉瓣即可开放,用多普勒超声心动图法可以探查到肺动脉瓣上的前向血流,此时的肺动脉压应该为附加胸腔负压的绝对值加上右室压。


  1. "肺动脉血容量"英文
  2. "肺动脉血栓动脉内膜切除术"英文
  3. "肺动脉血栓切除术"英文
  4. "肺动脉血栓栓塞疾病"英文
  5. "肺动脉血栓形成"英文
  6. "肺动脉压-肺静脉压"英文
  7. "肺动脉压监测"英文
  8. "肺动脉易位"英文
  9. "肺动脉硬化"英文
  10. "肺动脉硬化症"英文


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