
发音:   用"肿腿蜂"造句
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  1. Characteristics of embryonic development of scleroderma sichuanensis
  2. Application of artificial breeding of scleroderma guanion prevention and control of massicus raddei
  3. The learning behavior of scleroderma sichuanensis xiao fed on the fictitious hosts tenebrio molitor l . in the process of host foraging was studied using y - tube olfactometer
  4. When every s . guan carried about 1 10 ^ 7 spores of coccoid beauveria bassiana , and touched the 4 5 - instar of m . alternatus larva with 1 : 1 , 1 : 2 and 1 : 3 , the ratios of m . alternatus amounts to s . guan amounts , the parastizing infecting death rates were 55 % , 75 % , and 100 % respectively ; s . guan carried coccoid beauveria bassiana to control m . alternatus in the wood section , and the rate was 87 . 13 %
    每只管氏肿腿蜂携带球孢白僵菌约1 10 ^ 7个孢子时,对4 5龄松墨天牛幼虫按虫蜂比1 : 1 、 1 : 2和1 : 3接蜂,寄生感染死亡率分别为55 % 、 75 %和100 % ;管氏肿腿蜂携带球孢白僵菌防治木段内的松墨天牛幼虫寄生感染死亡率为87 . 13 % 。
  5. The results showed that the female parasitoids in different microhabitats from pine needles , pine barks , turpentine , and fir barks respectively , responded positively to the corresponding volatiles when they were offered with a two - ways choice between blank and the volatiles previously experienced at emergence and the early stage of adult , but the females showed no learning behavior to fir leaves though they had experienced the fir leaves microhabitats


  1. "肿头黑山龙"英文
  2. "肿头龙"英文
  3. "肿头龙类"英文
  4. "肿头龙下目"英文
  5. "肿头龙亚目"英文
  6. "肿腿蜂科"英文
  7. "肿腿蜂总科"英文
  8. "肿物"英文
  9. "肿消了一点"英文
  10. "肿牙形石属"英文


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