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membrane conductance
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  1. 2004 and the role of cftr in fertility and infertility nature cell biology , 2003
    , 2004 )及囊性纤维化跨膜电导调节器( cftr )在生殖及不育中的角色( 《自然细胞生物学》
  2. Cystic fibrosis is caused by mutations in the gene encoding an ion - transport protein , the cystic - fibrosis transmembrane conductance regulator ( cftr ) . defective secretion of anions is the primary cause of many of the clinical manifestations of cystic fibrosis , including pancreatic insufficiency
    囊性纤维化是由作为阴离子通道的跨膜电导调节器( cftr )的基因突变所致,而阴离子分泌缺损是囊性纤维化的多种临床表现(包括胰腺功能缺陷)的主要原因。
  3. Professor hsiao - chang chan is a leading authority in epithelial cell - related multidisciplinary research and has contributed significantly to a number of important discoveries , including a cell shrinkage - activated cation channel , a novel defensin molecule in the epididymis for sperm maturation and the role of a cell membrane protein , the cystic fibrosis transmembrane conductance regulator cftr , in fertility and infertility
  4. This review will discuss the role of epithelial sodium channel ( enac ) and the cystic fibrosis transmembrane conductance regulator ( cftr ) in regulating the fluid volume and composition of the reproductive tract and their importance in various reproductive events such as sperm capacitation and implantation


  1. "膜的振动"英文
  2. "膜等"英文
  3. "膜等的皱襞"英文
  4. "膜笛"英文
  5. "膜点"英文
  6. "膜电感"英文
  7. "膜电极"英文
  8. "膜电抗"英文
  9. "膜电流"英文
  10. "膜电容"英文


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