
发音:   用"自动挡"造句
automatic catch
  • 自动:    voluntarily; of on ...
  • :    keep off; ward off ...
  • 自动挡板:    automatic damper
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  1. Speaking fit final price , 2 - hand stalls price of 119 , 800 yuan , 4 - refoulement 自动 挡 for 149 , 800 yuan , should be a " premium " and the competitive pricing
    最后说到飞腾的价位, 2驱手动档价格为11 . 98万元, 4驱自动挡为14 . 98万元,应该是相当“超值” ,有竞争力的定价了。
  2. Out of the traditional products , the competition of the washing drying machines is the war of the doorstep . in oct . , haier initiated the competition of drying technology match , point to the traditional drying technology and the fake aptitude drying products . the consumer can tasted the result of the sunny beauty washing drying machine technology
    Pk大赛” ,将矛头直接指向目前市场上的传统干衣技术和伪智能烘干产品,消费者可以通过与其他品牌洗衣机产品进行比较,现场感受到阳光丽人洗干一体机国际领先的jit和自动挡技术带来的衣干即停效果。


  1. "自动弹簧移液管"英文
  2. "自动弹启式广告"英文
  3. "自动弹射座椅"英文
  4. "自动弹塑性分析"英文
  5. "自动弹头"英文
  6. "自动挡板"英文
  7. "自动挡火闸"英文
  8. "自动挡起亚远舰豪华版"英文
  9. "自动挡铁"英文
  10. "自动党"英文


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