
发音:   用"菲洛夫斯基"造句
  • :    humble; unworthy
  • :    short for Luoyang ...
  • :    that; this; those; ...
  • :    this
  • :    base; foundation
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  1. The lawsuit seeks to stop zafirovski , 51 , from working for nortel for two years , keep him from hiring motorola employees and prevent him from disclosing confidential information about motorola
  2. Before working at motorola , zafirovski spent 20 years in executive positions at general electric co . , including as president - ceo of five of its subsidiaries . zafirovski is replacing former u . s . admiral bill owens as nortel ' s ceo
  3. Zafirovski , who became president and chief operating officer of motorola in 2002 , helped engineer a turnaround at the cell - phone giant but left a little more than a year after former sun microsystems inc . executive ed zander was picked for the top job
  4. Nortel , which is based in brampton , ontario , was not named as a defendant in the lawsuit . in a statement , nortel said it and zafirovski are reviewing the lawsuit and " intend to pursue discussions with motorola with a view to resolving the dispute .
  5. Motorola inc . , the world ' s no . 2 maker of mobile phones , has brought suit against its former president , accusing him of breaching noncompete agreements with the company by accepting the top job at nortel networks corp


  1. "菲洛凡斯"英文
  2. "菲洛菲"英文
  3. "菲洛费"英文
  4. "菲洛费娅"英文
  5. "菲洛夫"英文
  6. "菲洛夫泰亚"英文
  7. "菲洛夫泰尤"英文
  8. "菲洛戈尼"英文
  9. "菲洛戈尼奥"英文
  10. "菲洛格拉纳"英文


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