
发音:   用"落后的管理方式"造句
out-dated management styles
  • 落后:    fall behind; lag b ...
  • :    4次方是 The fourth po ...
  • 管理方式:    supervisor mode
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  1. Out - dated management styles
  2. This article mainly analyzes several factors , such as the complexity of information resources integrity , information islands , staggered system of organization and conservative management measures
    本文重点分析了信息资源整合本身的复杂性、 “信息孤岛”现状、 “条块分割”的管理体制以及落后的管理方式等因素对政务信息资源整合的影响。
  3. The office is facing the problems of less clerks with heavy workload and daily affairs . and the backward manual management system gives more rise to the workload influencing the work ef - feicency and quality
  4. To change the backward management method so as to carry forward the process of modernized management of property registry ; to exploit information resources on house property registry so as to provide assisted policymaking basis for city planning and urban construction , etc . the author made mapbasic6 . 0 as exploitive language , and mapinfo6 . 0 as exploitive platform , and applied sa , sd and sp method to the exploiting of hrmis , and established database with various inspection methods and correct work flow
    四是所有房产产籍管理软件还仅停留在电子数据处理edp或管理信息系统mis阶段,未对决策支持系统dss 、专家系统es等进行探讨。为改变落后的管理方式,推进产籍管理现代化。开发房产产籍信息,为房地产业的发展、城市规划、建设、管理提供辅助决策依据。


  1. "落后兵"英文
  2. "落后潮"英文
  3. "落后窗"英文
  4. "落后的"英文
  5. "落后的,过时"英文
  6. "落后的男子缺少黑色背景"英文
  7. "落后的社会"英文
  8. "落后的社会生产"英文
  9. "落后的生产能力"英文
  10. "落后的指示数字"英文



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