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banco de portugal
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  1. Lisbon , portugal , 01 dec ? portugal ' s financial investment in brazil increased significantly in december , in contrast to investments in portuguese - speaking africa , according to the latest figures from the bank of portugal
  2. Lisbon portugal 25 nov portuguese investment in portuguese - speaking african countries and timor - leste fell to an 8 - year low in 2004 while portuguese exports to those countries increased the bank of portugal has said
    葡萄牙,里斯本, 11月25日电葡萄牙银行称, 2004年葡在葡语非洲国家和东帝汶的投资下降到8年来最低水平,而葡对这些国家的出口额有所增加。
  3. According to bank of portugal figures the debt owed by the six countries to portugal totaled usd 1 . 179 billion at the end of 2004 119 million less than at the end of the previous year following a debt restructuring agreement with angola
    葡萄牙银行的最新数字,到2004年年底,这6个国家欠葡萄牙的债务总计11 . 79亿美元,比2003年年底少1 . 19亿美元,这是因为葡萄牙与安哥拉有债务管理重组协议。
  4. The latest report from the bank of portugal shows that last year portuguese companies invested 47 . 8 million euros in portuguese - speaking african countries and timor - leste around a fifth off the amount invested in 2000 the lowest amount since 1996 41 million euros


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  10. "葡萄牙语翻译"英文


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