
发音:   用"融通票据"造句
accommodation bill
accommodation note,accommodation paper
accomodation bill
finance bills
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  1. Inter - bank financial bills
  2. In fact , in the money market of economy developed countries , the main function of paper is financing
  3. Among these problems , one is argued more sharply , that is whether to open the financing paper business . these problems have affected the development of our paper market seriously
  4. This paper aims at analyzing the development pattern of china ' s bill market from the perspectives of both macro - and micro - economic level . first of all , based on related financial market theories , a definition and systematic classification of bills are first made in this paper , as well as the major participants in bill market , including borrower , lender , market organizer and market monitors
    首先,回顾并整合了票据市场的相关理论,同时对票据的定义、分类(真正票据和融通票据)以及票据市场的参与主体(融资者、投资者、市场交易组织者和市场监督者) 、市场结构(发行市场和流通市场)进行了系统性的界定和归纳。
  5. If these problems can not be resolved , the paper market will not go smoothly , and at the same time , the country ’ s economy will be affected deeply . in china , the paper law only permits the existence of papers based on true transaction , which is called transaction paper , not accommodation bill . compared to the transaction paper , accommodation bill is one kind of commercial paper which lacks the underground of real merchandise trade transaction , whose goal is purely to financing


  1. "融通便利"英文
  2. "融通汇票背书人"英文
  3. "融通基金管理有限公司"英文
  4. "融通领先成长股票型证券投资基金"英文
  5. "融通买船资金成套方案"英文
  6. "融通票据;担保借据"英文
  7. "融通票据经营"英文
  8. "融通签名"英文
  9. "融通商号"英文
  10. "融通系统"英文


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