
发音:   用"螺旋管蒸发器"造句
spiral pipe type evaporator
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  1. Experimental study of miniature coiled tube evaporator will provide some reference for improving performance of evaporator and constituting suitable design criteria . so , the result has a certain value for theory study and some other field
  2. First , the design work was done according to the working conditions , and related correlative formulae were taken . in view of the manufacture , size , weight and other related confined conditions , miniature coiled tube evaporator was developed
  3. The results show that while the mass flow of refrigerant is 1 . 85g / s , the inlet temperature of refrigerant is 18 . 9 , the evaporating pressure is 0 . 62mpa , the mass flow of water is 31 . 1g / s , and the inlet temperature of water is 36 . 9 , the refrigerant of miniature evaporator wholly vaporizes in the tube , and the heat transfer rate is 342w . it achieved the demand of design
    经过实验测试,当制冷剂质量流量为1 . 85g / s ,制冷剂入口温度为18 . 9 ,蒸发压力为0 . 62mpa ,水的质量流量为31 . 1g / s ,水的入口温度为36 . 9 ,此时,螺旋管蒸发器内制冷剂完全蒸发,换热量342w ,达到了微型蒸发器的预期设计要求。


  1. "螺旋管形"英文
  2. "螺旋管形的"英文
  3. "螺旋管压力表"英文
  4. "螺旋管压力计"英文
  5. "螺旋管振荡器"英文
  6. "螺旋管柱"英文
  7. "螺旋管耦合随钻测量系统"英文
  8. "螺旋光学测微计"英文
  9. "螺旋规"英文
  10. "螺旋轨道"英文


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