
发音:   用"记录日期"造句
record date
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  1. The geologic record dates the final explosion of santorini with remarkable accuracy
  2. Upon demonstrating satisfactory performance , the authorized individual will sign - off and record the date on all the ojt sheet item ( s ) for this lesson . this will show completion of this lesson
  3. Upon demonstrating satisfactory performance , the authorized individual will sign - off and record the date on all the ojt sheet item ( s ) for this lesson . this will show completion of this lesson
  4. This system is exploited completely according to national standard of vehicle traveling data recorder , can implement all of the function of the national standard of vehicle traveling data recorder , including date , time , car speed , mileage , start time , stop time , driving time , over speed , overtime , alarm of over speed and overtime , status identify of ic card , and many kind of status of on - off signal , including on - off vehicle door , brake status , turn signal status , dipped headlight and high beam etc .
    本系统就是完全依照汽车行驶记录仪的国家标准而开发的,目标是实现国家标准中规定的所有汽车行驶记录仪应该达到的功能指标,包括可靠记录日期、时间、车速、行驶里程、开车时刻、停车时刻、行驶时间、超速时间、超时时间、超速超时告警、 ic卡身份识别等信息和车门开关、刹车状态、方向灯状态、近/远光灯等各种开关信号的状态的功能。
  5. A person with a disability can give to the driver a certificate for picking up or setting down of passengers with disabilities in restricted zones issued by the hong kong council of social service completed with record of the journey . the following people with a disability are eligible to use the certificate


  1. "记录热电偶"英文
  2. "记录人"英文
  3. "记录人员"英文
  4. "记录任务"英文
  5. "记录任选"英文
  6. "记录日期, 注册登记日"英文
  7. "记录软件"英文
  8. "记录删除"英文
  9. "记录上班时间"英文
  10. "记录摄影"英文


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