
发音:   用"财务检查"造句
check-up on the financial work
financial examination
financial inspection
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  1. Institute the department working plan itself , such as stuff training plan 、 personnel arrangement plan 、 financial check plan 、 designation the cityinn ' s operation and financing plan ( according to the selling plan 、 cost and expense plan ) 、 cost and expense plan etc
    制定本部门的各项工作计划,如员工的培训计划、人事安排计划、财务检查计划、指定城市客栈的经营财务计划(以销售计划和成本费用计划为中心) 、成本费用计划等等。
  2. Secondly , aiming at the intending functions , we examined 5 key respects supervised by supervision boards , including operation legitimacy , financial check , committed capital using , major assets purchase and sale and related party transactions , to study the functioning of supervision boards of listed companies
  3. And the article try to perfect the board of supervisors so as to make our corporate governance reasonable by changing personnel structure and nomination , reinforcing the supervision of business execution and finance , stimulating and binding system . to solve the overlap and conflict in power reference between the newly established system of independent directors and our former system of board of supervisors , the relationship structure between them should be clarified , powers be definited , and guarantee measures be adopted . the corporate governance of the companies will surely be improved


  1. "财务价格"英文
  2. "财务监察组"英文
  3. "财务监督"英文
  4. "财务监督委员会"英文
  5. "财务监管"英文
  6. "财务建议"英文
  7. "财务奖励"英文
  8. "财务奖励制度"英文
  9. "财务奖赏"英文
  10. "财务交流"英文


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