
发音:   用"财经时报"造句
de financiele economische tijd
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financiele economische tijd, de
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  1. " none of us are getting any younger , " hill - wood told the financial times
    “我们都不年轻了, ”希尔-伍德对《财经时报》说。
  2. New york ( international business times ) - the world ' s largest software maker is suing the developer of a program that allows users to circumvent digital rights protection from microsoft ' s windows media audio ( wma ) song format
  3. Some news organizations , including the financial times and reuters , citing unidentified opec delegates , said the organization planned to cut production by one million barrels a day , a reduction of nearly 4 percent from its current level of 27 . 6 million barrels
    包括《财经时报》和路透社的一些新闻机构引用某些未经确认的石油输出国组织代表的话,称该组织计划每天减产100万桶,几乎是当前每天产量2760万桶的4 % 。


  1. "财经评论"英文
  2. "财经期刊"英文
  3. "财经日报"英文
  4. "财经上的危险"英文
  5. "财经上的限制"英文
  6. "财经事务及库务局"英文
  7. "财经事务及库务局常任秘书长"英文
  8. "财经事务及库务局常任秘书长(库务)黎年"英文
  9. "财经事务及库务局局长"英文
  10. "财经事务及库务局局长马时亨"英文


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