
发音:   用"超越阶段"造句
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  1. Keeping in mind the past , present and future of china and other parts of the world , we must accurately comprehend the characteristics of the times and the party ' s tasks , scientifically formulate and correctly implement the party ' s line , principles and policies , and study and settle questions concerning the promotion of china ' s social progress and the improvement of party building . we should neither approach questions out of their historical context nor lose our bearings , and we should neither fall behind the times nor skip the stages , so as to ensure that our cause will advance from victory to victory
  2. In china , a large developing country with a backward economy and culture , where our party is leading the people in the modernization drive , a good solution to the problem of development has a direct bearing on the trend of popular sentiment and the success of our cause


  1. "超越计算的"英文
  2. "超越记法"英文
  3. "超越驾驶杆手柄控制配平的电门"英文
  4. "超越尖峰"英文
  5. "超越角"英文
  6. "超越解"英文
  7. "超越界限"英文
  8. "超越进给"英文
  9. "超越可听的"英文
  10. "超越空间"英文


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