
[ diéxiè ]发音:   "蹀躞"的汉语解释   用"蹀躞"造句
1.(徘徊) pace up and down; pace about
2.(小步走) walk in small steps
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  1. There was only a custos hovering about the medicean venus .
  2. Buckle of a gold " diexie " belt , tang dynasty
  3. Exhibits include gold and silver persian wares , a gold " diexie " belt and a gold roman coin excavated from inner mongolia
  4. On a day in august , when mr . stryver after notifying to his jackal that he had thought better of that marrying matter had carried his delicacy into devonshire , and when the sight and scent of flowers in the city streets had some waifs of goodness in them for the worst , of health for the sickliest , and of youth for the oldest , sydney s feet still trod those stones
    在一个八月的日子,那时斯特莱佛先生已对他的豺狗说明“关于婚姻问题我另有考虑” ,然后带着他那体贴的柔情到德文郡去了。那时市区街道花卉的美色与馨香已能给穷途末路者以安慰给病体支离者以健康给老迈钟者以青春,可是西德尼的脚步仍然在那条路上蹀躞不去,只是由于有了设想而从迟疑无目的变得稳健有力了。
  5. His mother had died , years before . these solemn words , which had been read at his father s grave , arose in his mind as he went down the dark streets , among the heavy shadows , with the moon and the clouds sailing on high above him . i am the resurrection and the life , saith the lord : he that believeth in me , though he were dead , yet shall he live : and whosoever liveth and believeth in me , shall never die
    很久以前,他在早年的竞争者中以头角峥嵘前程远大著称的时候,曾随着父亲的灵柩来到墓前一母亲多年前早已去世一一此刻,当他沿着黑暗的街道在重重的黑影里蹀躞,任月亮和流云在他头顶漂移时,父亲墓前庄严的词句忽然涌现在他心头: “复活在我,生命也在我,信仰我的人虽然死了,也必复活凡活着信仰我的人,必永远不死。 ”


  1. "踯躅街头"英文
  2. "踺"英文
  3. "踺子"英文
  4. "蹀"英文
  5. "蹀蹀"英文
  6. "踹"英文
  7. "踵"英文
  8. "踵白"英文
  9. "踵板"英文
  10. "踵部直径"英文


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