
[ zhuǎnbào ]发音:   "转报"的汉语解释   用"转报"造句
message switching
transit telegram
  • :    revolve; rotate; t ...
  • :    report; declare; a ...
  • 转报局:    message relay offi ...
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  1. Article 22 a representative office shall submit two copies of its annual work report of the previous year before the end of each february to the circ ' s local branch office , who shall then forward the report to circ ' s head office
  2. Where , in accordance with the laws , administrative regulations or departmental rules , a foreign - funded enterprise established after the merger belongs to the foreign - funded enterprises of certain types or in certain industries that shall be approved by the moftec , the approval organ at the provincial level shall transfer the application documents to the moftec for approval , and the moftec shall decide on whether to grant the approval in accordance with the law
  3. E . those foreign - invested projects , involving issues of quotas and license , belonging ot the restrictive projecs of the state s catalogue for the guide of foreing investment industries , and whose total investmentis above us $ 30 million , shall be submitted to the provincial and state s relative departments for examination and approval after the rcity s examination
    5 、投资总额在3000万美元以上的项目、涉及进出口放可证及配额管理的项目,以及属于《外商投资产业指导目录》中的限制类项目,由新余市审核后转报省和国家有关部门审批。


  1. "转包商来源:考试大"英文
  2. "转包运输"英文
  3. "转包组织"英文
  4. "转保合同"英文
  5. "转保险"英文
  6. "转报局"英文
  7. "转报台"英文
  8. "转报台, 帮电站"英文
  9. "转报中心"英文
  10. "转杯磁感风速计"英文


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