
发音:   用"轴线方向"造句
axial direction
axis direction
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  1. In above two nanostructure , - sic nanowires axes lie along the < 111 > direction
    两种结构中的- sic纳米线的轴线方向均为< 111 >方向。
  2. The length of chamfer shall be between 1 and 2 complete threads as measured parallel to the axis of the threaded component
    当平行于螺纹构件轴线方向进行测量时,倒角长度应该在1 - 2全螺纹扣之间。
  3. The results showed that most multiaxial fatigue cracks were initiated and propagated along the direction of maximum shear plane or on the direction perpendicular to the tubular specimen ' s axis
  4. The nanowire is solid and the periphery is very clean without any coating of amorphous material . the - sic nanowires axes lie along the < 111 > direction and possess a high density of planar defects
    纳米线是实心的并且表面清晰不带有任何包覆层,其轴线方向是< 111 >方向,并且在纳米线内部有高密度面缺陷。
  5. The deleterious effects of pressurized seepage , percolating through the natural discontinuities in the rock mass , have generally been ignored , resulting in tunnel alignments with inadequate lateral and vertical cover


  1. "轴线对称的"英文
  2. "轴线对称挤压"英文
  3. "轴线对称弯曲"英文
  4. "轴线对中定位块"英文
  5. "轴线法线节距"英文
  6. "轴线间的"英文
  7. "轴线交点"英文
  8. "轴线角"英文
  9. "轴线控制桩"英文
  10. "轴线偏斜密封"英文


《西部世界》第二季剧透来袭  (双语)

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