
发音:   用"辐射机制"造句
radiation mechanism
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  1. People can get much information of radiant points from the research about it , for example , the size of the radiant points , the mechanism of radiate and space distribution
  2. Over the past few years , although many factors have been put forward to explain this phenomenon , and even though the complete genomic dna sequence of d . radiodurans is now known , the molecular mechanism underlying this phenotype is still poorly understood
  3. In chapter three we review the theoretical models of bl lac objects . firstly , we briefly review the results of radiation mechanism , secondly , we discuss the different the theoretical models of bl lac objects in detailed and stress the synchrotron self - compton model in the frame of relativistic jet model
  4. From the location and the economic strength and the technical strength and the natural resource and the foundation and the urbanization - level and the industrial structure and the land management and the administrative coordination , etc . the paper analyzes the area background and researches the advantageous and the disadvantageous conditions , then based on the analysis , the paper analyzes the formed mechanism of the city - space integration , further , from the angel of policy mechanism and the investment mechanism and the radiation mechanism the accumulation mechanism , etc . part iv : the present situational analysis of cities and towns " system and the level forecast of its integration
  5. In chap . 2 , the observational characteristics of the radio burst of the bastille event were discussed in detail . in chap . 3 , we described the associated foundational theories with the model of a magnetic - mirror loop , consisting of the flux duct , the magnetic reconnection , the plasma wave , the wave - wave interaction and so on . then in chap . 4 , using the model of magnetic - mirror loop to estimate quantitatively , we obtain the magnetic field strength , the number of solitons in a single fiber source , the volume of the source and the ducting parameters


  1. "辐射活化"英文
  2. "辐射活化的"英文
  3. "辐射火感器"英文
  4. "辐射火焰分光光度计"英文
  5. "辐射基准"英文
  6. "辐射畸变"英文
  7. "辐射积存量"英文
  8. "辐射激"英文
  9. "辐射激发"英文
  10. "辐射激化"英文


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