
发音:   用"边焊"造句
side weld
  • :    side; section
  • :    weld; solder
  • 对边焊:    edge weld
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  1. The welding technology of francis turbine runners is optimized from the view of subsection welding and local heating by numerical simulation . the result shows that welding residual tensile stress appears in the weld and its area nearby , and peak stress appears in the dangerous area of blades after practising quondam welding technology ; welding residual tensile peak stress in the dangerous area of blades can be decreased by welding both ends earlier and then welding middle section later during subsection welding , and decreasing effect on welding residual stress of the subsection welding is related to the weld length of blade outlets and welding direction of each subsection ; decreasing effect on residual stress of the local heating is direct proportional to heating time , heating temperature , heating area , and inversely proportional to cooling area , and welding residual tensile peak stress in the dangerous area is decreasing trend earlier , and then increasing trend later with heated location increased


  1. "边辊环"英文
  2. "边国维"英文
  3. "边海河"英文
  4. "边海平"英文
  5. "边涵"英文
  6. "边号"英文
  7. "边号(原木旁边的木主记号)"英文
  8. "边喝边谈"英文
  9. "边喝酒"英文
  10. "边喝酒边闲聊"英文


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