
发音:   用"边界图"造句
boundary map
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  1. The external force given by the edge map makes the curve moving in the direction of the edge , hi traditional active contour the external force is the potential energy of the edge map , which has some insurmountable difficulties
  2. In this paper a system for segmenting and tracking the objects from sequences is designed . this system is mainly made up of three parts that are the motion estimation giving out the motion vectors , the edge detection finding the edge points and contour and the deformable contour achieving the segmentation and tracking for the objects
  3. Firstly , a fourth - orders statistic hypothesis testing in inter - frame difference is used to automatically separate the moving areas from the background in a general video sequence . secondly , change areas are extracted as markers of the corresponding moving object . using the marker , region - growing algorithm can locate the precise boundary of moving object
    ( 3 )基于轮廓跟踪;首先介绍了提取初始模板方法?基于高次统计的判决算法,通过选择合适的背景噪声阈值,最终得到较好的结果,然后对于后续帧中的边界提取,提出将灰度图像所使用的区域生长方法进行改进,即将它们运用到彩色图像中,通过选择合适的生长规则,得到较好边界图


  1. "边界条件系统"英文
  2. "边界条约"英文
  3. "边界通道"英文
  4. "边界通道设施"英文
  5. "边界投篮能力,比如0度角三分"英文
  6. "边界土壤"英文
  7. "边界外流动"英文
  8. "边界网关"英文
  9. "边界网关协议"英文
  10. "边界网关协议版本"英文


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