
发音:   用"过渡季节"造句
transition season
  • 过渡:    transition; transi ...
  • 季节:    season; time
  • 季节:    season; time ...
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  1. 5 . the heavy - hard rainfall in transitional season is brought by mixed cloud systems whose movements are slow and less , and the echo depth are about 5 km and horizontal distance of strong echo are within 10km
    5 、过渡季节产生的大到暴雨过程大都为混合云系造成,混合云系移速慢,位置少动,强回波顶高度skm左右,强回波的水平距离在10km以内。
  2. The strengths of hemispheric hadley circulations are strong in winter and weak in summer , which have one - year oscillation period . 2 , it is basically equivalent of the strengths of the both hemispheric hadley circulations in april and october
    2 ,半球hadley环流圈强度冬强夏弱,做年单周振荡,过渡季节( 4月和10月)两半球hadley环流圈强度相当。
  3. At last , there is a practical design of gshp - radiant system in a villa in chongqing . the compare of the gas - heater radiant floor system and the gshp radiant floor system indicates that the heating performance coefficient of the gshp is higher than the gas - heater to a large extent . in addition , this united system can use the closed circling water in the underground heat exchanger to remove the surplus heat load in transitional season
  4. Discuses doas ' demand to fresh air humidity ratio and model by rotary wheel removing moisture load , and analyses its scheme and energy consumption of dons by rotary wheel removing moisture load based on solar energy regeneration , and result shows a 30 % energy saving comparing to cooling dehumidification , and it can supply cooling capacity freely when using directly underground water or cooling tower supplying cooling capacity during transition season periods
    讨论了独立新风系统对新风送风含湿量的要求和除湿转轮承担系统湿负荷的方案,分析了基于太阳能再生的转轮除湿独立新风系统空气处理过程及能耗,结果显示与直接冷却除湿的独立新风系统相比节能30 % ,在直接利用地下水供冷或在过渡季节使用冷却塔供冷的情况下则可以达到免费供冷的目的。


  1. "过渡环境"英文
  2. "过渡回"英文
  3. "过渡基地"英文
  4. "过渡机质精神症状"英文
  5. "过渡级"英文
  6. "过渡寄主"英文
  7. "过渡计划"英文
  8. "过渡加载"英文
  9. "过渡间隔"英文
  10. "过渡键"英文


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