
发音:   用"过渡贷款"造句
bridge advance
briding loan
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  1. Although the fund board secured a government bridging loan of $ 695 million in 2002 , it was not necessary to draw down the loan in the year
    虽然破欠基金委员会曾于二零零二年向政府申请一笔为数6 . 95亿元的过渡贷款,但是我们在年内尚未需要动用该笔贷款。
  2. As a result of the surge in the number of applications , the fund s reserve depleted significantly in the year , and a government bridging loan of $ 695 million was arranged
    由于接获的申请激增,基金的储备在年内大幅减少,破欠基金委员遂向政府申请一笔为数6 . 95亿元的过渡贷款
  3. Loans for construction of a home , for a summer residence and bridge loans ( required for the purchase of a new home pending the sale of a presently - owned residence ) are not available
    不得贷款用于盖新房子、夏天别墅或房屋买卖期间的过渡贷款(要买新房子前希望用卖掉旧房子的钱去买新房子,但旧房子尚未卖掉前的过渡期间贷款) 。


  1. "过渡带"英文
  2. "过渡带电阻率"英文
  3. "过渡带水"英文
  4. "过渡带水层"英文
  5. "过渡代码生成程序"英文
  6. "过渡单位"英文
  7. "过渡弹板"英文
  8. "过渡当局"英文
  9. "过渡导纳"英文
  10. "过渡导通电压"英文


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