
发音:   用"过滤分离"造句
filtering separation
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  1. Experimental study on high efficient aerobic filtration - separation biofluidized bed reactor
  2. The centrifuge are automatically controlled and feature a horizontally mounted , cylindrical filter drum . fwz800 - n inverting filter centrifuge
  3. Microfiltration ( mf ) - - - microfiltration is a form of membrane normally with a pore size of 0 . 1 - 10 m permeable to remove all bacteria and particles
    微孔过滤- - -微孔过滤是利用微孔膜(孔径一般为0 . 1 - 10 m )对水中的细菌和微粒进行截面而实现过滤分离
  4. Last the above method is applied in engineering , the permeating flux is bigger than original in the same condition and the energy consum is roduced about 40 %
    最后、将以上的研究成果应用于脱落酸( aba )的三芯过滤分离中,发现其效果非常显著,提高过滤通量约40 ,而且还降低了能耗。
  5. Our company s development and design capability leads the whole industrial sector . hefei talentgroup is professional in producing filter separation machinery , it is dedicated to research and manufacturing of filter separation machinery . in order to suit the g . m . p


  1. "过滤帆布"英文
  2. "过滤方程式"英文
  3. "过滤方法"英文
  4. "过滤方式"英文
  5. "过滤废水"英文
  6. "过滤分离器"英文
  7. "过滤分异作用"英文
  8. "过滤辐射"英文
  9. "过滤辅助附加"英文
  10. "过滤干燥器"英文


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