
发音:   用"过程元"造句
process element
  • 过程:    process; procedure ...
  • :    first; primary
  • 程元:    cheng yuan
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  1. Aiming at the problem of system flexibility deficiency caused by the ubiquitous tight coupling of " task - resource " in current manufacture resource model in network manufacture environment , a capacity - based model of manufacture resource is presented and a three - layered process model of " task - capacity - resource " is established , which is described in xml format
  2. According to the characteristics of workflow process execution , a kind of reactive activity - centered process meta - model is defined and a kind of graphical notation is provided for it , at the same time , for this meta - model , a kind of dynamic semantics is specified , which represents the runtime behavior of the process and can be expressed as a finite state automata . finally , an example is given to illustrate how to apply it to analyze the semantic correctness of process models


  1. "过程语言接口"英文
  2. "过程语义"英文
  3. "过程语义模型"英文
  4. "过程语义网络"英文
  5. "过程域"英文
  6. "过程原理"英文
  7. "过程再工程"英文
  8. "过程暂存器"英文
  9. "过程栈"英文
  10. "过程栈存取"英文


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