
发音:   用"过程激励"造句
procedure activation
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  1. The minimum - weight model of stochastic structures under time - dependent random excitations is established based on the structural dynamic reliability
  2. Based on priestley ' s evolutionary spectrum theory , an evolutionary process modulated by decline composite exponential function , is investigated as one kind of non - stationary excitation commonly encountered in engineering , the analytical solution of the response properties is gained due to proper simplification
  3. Pseudo excitation method ( pem ) is used , thus one random process excitation can be transformed into a deterministic transient excitation , so the joint - random problem is turned into a single - random problem accurately , it can be solved easily by means of perturbation method and sequence orthogonal decomposition theory respectively . the probabilistic approach is used to transform stochastic optimization into deterministic optimization , therefore the optimization can be achieved through multiple objective decision making theory
  4. By discussing the method of encouraging , how to encourage the stuff having much knowledge and the characteristic and technology of encouraging group , the article points out the encouragement is not only a sub system of the pms , but a method implied throughout the whole system , form driving system of boosting performance , by analyzing the implement of the pms of pcg institute , the article brings forward the idea of constructing a pms including aim guidance , activity guidance , result guidance and materials operation


  1. "过程化强制子句"英文
  2. "过程化学"英文
  3. "过程缓存"英文
  4. "过程活动"英文
  5. "过程活动, 过程激励"英文
  6. "过程激励树"英文
  7. "过程集成"英文
  8. "过程级"英文
  9. "过程级变换"英文
  10. "过程计算机"英文


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