
发音:   用"进化现象"造句
evolutionary phenomena
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  1. Some reflections on the counter - evolution phenomenon in topic - setting for writing in cet band
  2. On the biological evolution of the english language reflected by the changes of interrogatives
  3. “ there have been a lot of recent changes ? the advent ( 8 ) of agriculture , shifts in diet , new habitats ( 9 ) , climatic changes ? over the past 10 , 000 years , " said jonathan pritchard , a human geneticist at the university of chicago who led the study
    主研究员、芝加哥大学的人类遗传学专家乔纳森?皮查德说: “人类最近有很多进化现象:在过去一万年中,农业、饮食、栖息地、和气候都有很大变化。 ”
  4. That both natality and mortality , as well as all other phenomena of evolution , tidal movements , lunar phases , blood temperatures , diseases in general , everything , in fine , in nature s vast workshop from the extinction of some remote sun to the blossoming of one of the countless flowers which beautify our public parks , is subject to a law of numeration as yet unascertained
  5. Therefore , the study of corporate organizational structural evolution is of vital importance to comprehension and interpretation of evolution for enterprises themselves and the whole economic system . focused on the study of corporate organizational structure and based on evolutional biology , complicated systematic theory , evolutional economics and organizational ecology , this thesis elaborates on the process , influencing factors and mechanism of corporate organizational structure evolution as well as the correlations of such evolution between corporate development and enterprise ecology succession . 1 . this thesis comes up with four assumptions key to the study and defines corporate organizational structure
    本论文以企业组织结构进化现象作为主要研究对象,在进化生物学、复杂系统理论、进化经济学和组织生态学等理论研究的基础上,对企业组织结构进化的历程、影响因素、进化机制,以及企业组织结构进化与企业成长发育和企业生态演替之间的相互关系展开了系统的讨论: 1 .在提出四个关键的研究假设前提后,本文对企业组织结构进行了界定。


  1. "进化稳定对策"英文
  2. "进化稳态"英文
  3. "进化物种概念"英文
  4. "进化系统"英文
  5. "进化系统学"英文
  6. "进化新解说"英文
  7. "进化新篇章"英文
  8. "进化心理学"英文
  9. "进化形态学"英文
  10. "进化性趋异"英文


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