
发音:   用"进退自如"造句
proceed or step back freely; be free to advance or retreat; have room for manoeuvre
  • 进退:    advance and retrea ...
  • 自如:    with facility; smo ...
  • 自如:    [书面语] with facilit ...
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  1. We have enough confidence to adopt various flexible ways to deal with specific problems , and do well what we should do
  2. Pall very spacious , may tune , rock nie inscribed on the corner of the open - life memoirs , it was introduced , the memoirs of a total of more than 2 , 600 characters , all with iron solder stonemason the current time
  3. However , studying chinese calligraphy should start with the official script is put forward , and the reasons is expounded from the following five different aspects : official script is relatively easy to study ; the construction of official script is typical ; and the obviously studying achievements are beneficial to improving one ' s interest and enforcing one ' s confidence , etc . meanwhile , by combining the teaching experience , three steps of studying official script , such as studying strokes , paying attention to construction of characters , and imitating the model of calligraphy is presented
    提出了初学书法应从隶书开始的观点,并从5个方面? ?隶书用笔相对楷书易学,隶书呈扁平结体和字距宽,行距窄的章法非常典型,隶书用笔中的一波三折对学习书法十分重要,学习隶书进退自如,习隶易见效有利于提高学习兴趣增强自信心? ?进行了较深入的论述;同时,结合作者多年从事书法教学的实践,提出隶书学习“先学笔划、次讲结构、再临碑帖”的教学安排。


  1. "进退无路"英文
  2. "进退虚晃步"英文
  3. "进退虚晃动作"英文
  4. "进退虚幌步"英文
  5. "进退装置"英文
  6. "进瓦"英文
  7. "进瓦, 进入叉"英文
  8. "进瓦落值"英文
  9. "进晚餐"英文
  10. "进王国"英文


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