
发音:   用"连接顺序"造句
order of connection
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  1. Join order optimization in multi - relation sql query
  2. Back face culling is affected by the current winding - order render state
  3. In this thesis , used thermocouple to sense the temperature in the space of the hearth , attributed the thermocouple based on calorifics and scientific arithmetic , acquired data by data acquiring card , processed data according to the demand of setting up temperature model and drawing graphics and then caculated the coordinates of isothermal points and normals of isothermal facets , ascertained the order of connecting points and the model of construct , drawed the isothermal facet of temperature field with opengl at last
  4. Many mature technologies on this level have been brought out , such as the relational algebra law , the improved logical query plan , the cost estimation of operation , the selective plan based on cost and order of joint , etc . although many methods have been tried out , no remarkable result or noteworthy technology has come to reality because of complexity of data decomposition and network effects


  1. "连接数据线后显示为"英文
  2. "连接数字识别"英文
  3. "连接水带"英文
  4. "连接水柜"英文
  5. "连接水路"英文
  6. "连接丝"英文
  7. "连接算符"英文
  8. "连接索"英文
  9. "连接索具"英文
  10. "连接锁"英文


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