
发音:   用"递阶系统"造句
high dispersion diffraction image
  • :    hand over; pass; g ...
  • :    steps; stairs
  • 系统:    system
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  1. The mathematical model for two - level hierarchical system optimization and their decomposition - coordination algorithms
  2. Details are as follows : we deal with properties of bilevel linear programming and prove the equivalence of bilevel linear programming and optimization over the efficient set . a class of multi - objective tow level programming , i . e . the upper - level is single objective and the lower - level is linear multi - objective , is mainly discussed . it can be converted into the optimization over the efficient set with parameter and an algorithm is given with its finite termination being proved ; when the upper - level is linear function , an exact penalty function algorithm is given


  1. "递阶参数估计"英文
  2. "递阶规划"英文
  3. "递阶结构"英文
  4. "递阶控制"英文
  5. "递阶控制系统"英文
  6. "递解"英文
  7. "递解出境"英文
  8. "递解出境,驱逐出境"英文
  9. "递解回籍"英文
  10. "递解离境"英文


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