
发音:   用"逻辑结构图"造句
building block of logic
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  1. Alsd ( abstract logical structure diagrams ) is an efficient , expression tool for procedure modeling
    抽象逻辑结构图alsd ( abstractlogicalstructurediagrams )是过程建模的有效表示工具。
  2. In this paper , we principally investigate the nuclear problems of reverse engineering transformation method . it is about transformation rules and interrelated mechanism
  3. [ 5 ] the main content of information management system of construction project management is studied , the dividing of its function modules , the function of every sub - system and logic structure chart are researched
    ( 5 )对建设工程监理信息管理系统的主要内容进行了研究,对其功能模块划分及每一子系统的功能及逻辑结构图进行了分析。
  4. So there is need to do the desired extraction of high - level design information from code . according to it , we will design a reverse engineering tool , analysing java source code , mapping to uml class diagram and alsd , visualizing the analysis result
    根据这种需求,我们针对面向对象语言java ,设计一个分析java源代码,以uml类图和抽象逻辑结构图( alsd )来可视化表示分析结果的逆向工具。
  5. In many ways they are rather code - oriented : following a route that says that the key part of documentation is source code . the agile java program development method is one of agile methods . in this paper , the agile java program development method begins with the analysis of system requirements , draws use case modelings , abstracts class diagrams , transforms alsd , and generates the java code at last
    本文提出的方法从系统需求入手,使用uml ( unifiedmodelinglanguage ,统一建模语言)用例图捕获系统的需求,建立用例模型;从用例图出发抽象出类图;然后使用alsd ( abstractlogicalstructurediagrams ,抽象逻辑结构图)对类方法的行为过程进行可视化定义,最后可根据类图和alsd自动生成java源代码。


  1. "逻辑接口单元"英文
  2. "逻辑接口电平变换器"英文
  3. "逻辑节点"英文
  4. "逻辑结构"英文
  5. "逻辑结构块"英文
  6. "逻辑结构型"英文
  7. "逻辑结果"英文
  8. "逻辑结合"英文
  9. "逻辑结尾"英文
  10. "逻辑解释"英文


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