
发音:   用"铁水沟"造句
hot metal runner
iron drain
iron runner
iron trough
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  1. It is widely applied to the stove top , shove head , stove door and burmer brick , the binding of cooling - tube and groove bottom of the molten steel mouth of the heat stove , meantime empopyed in the field of the step stove bottom , the fir - proof wall of the circular stove , the cover , the protruding tape and sand sealing mouth of the equal - heating stove , the triangle , the spray gun and meltingiron groove of electric stove and also including fire - resistant material used in the refine stove and the stove door


  1. "铁水成分"英文
  2. "铁水秤量秤"英文
  3. "铁水穿漏"英文
  4. "铁水的流体静压头"英文
  5. "铁水供应站"英文
  6. "铁水沟,排渣沟"英文
  7. "铁水沟维修"英文
  8. "铁水沟系统"英文
  9. "铁水罐"英文
  10. "铁水罐车"英文


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