
发音:   用"间接危害"造句
indirect hazard
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  1. Another problem comes , that is the infrastructure of the whole criminal related disciplines . in the third part , the author used more than half amount of the paper to practice the methodology of trinity structure among the spheres of the disciplines on criminal facts , as well as the disciplines on criminal counter - measures , so as to show and prove the value of the theory . in the course , some new view - points or explanations about the related theories are involved , such as the criminal field theory , the two - stage criminal origin theory , the bilateral view of the victim ’ s consent , the victim ’ s fault theory , the social indirect harm responsibility as the theoretical foundation of national victim compensation , the criminal environment ’ s responsibility theory , and so on


  1. "间接推论"英文
  2. "间接脱硫"英文
  3. "间接脱硫过程"英文
  4. "间接外伤"英文
  5. "间接微分法"英文
  6. "间接维修费用"英文
  7. "间接位置"英文
  8. "间接文件"英文
  9. "间接文件前后关系"英文
  10. "间接文件上下文"英文


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