
发音:   用"阶段变异"造句
stage variation
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  1. According to the rules and considerations which are based and taken into account in the practical work , this paper proposes a new model for distribution maintenance scheduling which intends to find the most economical maintenance schedule without violating any restrictions and also the paper makes a deep research of ga , sa and ts . by constructing two effective instructive rules which derive from the feature of distribution maintenance schedule and introducing ts into mutation operation of ga in the earlier generations , the proposed method improves the convergence of optimization and shortens the calculation time . the proposed model and method are applied to a practical system , and numerical results verify ' the correctness and validity of them


  1. "阶段爆破"英文
  2. "阶段爆破;超前工祖爆破;硐室爆破"英文
  3. "阶段崩落法"英文
  4. "阶段比例"英文
  5. "阶段变速"英文
  6. "阶段不变量"英文
  7. "阶段采掘"英文
  8. "阶段采石场"英文
  9. "阶段采油速度"英文
  10. "阶段产品"英文


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