
发音:   用"集中统一管理"造句
centralized and unified management
  • 集中:    concentrate; centr ...
  • 统一:    unify; unite; inte ...
  • 管理:    manage; run; admin ...
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  1. Supporting engineers to manage all switching equipment of different models or from various suppliers depending on the uniform platform . 2
  2. A human resources bank under centralized management , facilitating more effective deployment of manpower during investigations . prevention initiatives
  3. Inventories , records management policies and procedures , and exhibits . features a searchable photograph and publications database , and an illustrated chronology of ubc history
    - 1960年成立,集职能管理和科学文化事业机构为一体,负责集中统一管理全校各种门类的档案。
  4. In it , data are concentrated in database and managed uniformly , and applied logics arc distributed in different applied structures of clients in the network
    传统的client server体系结构是一种将数据集中在数据库中,然后由数据库进行集中统一管理,并将应用逻辑分布在位于网络中不同位置的客户端的应用结构中。
  5. Holdings include university administrative records ; publications ; manuscripts of faculty , staff and alumni ; campus organizations ; photographs ; architectural drawings and plans ; and film , video and sound recordings
    - 1957年3月成立了党政联合档案室,集中统一管理全校的文书档案, 1987年4月,成立了正处级建制的档案馆。


  1. "集中通用寄存器"英文
  2. "集中同步"英文
  3. "集中同步设备"英文
  4. "集中同步系统"英文
  5. "集中同步系统;强制同步系统"英文
  6. "集中投配方式"英文
  7. "集中投资"英文
  8. "集中托运"英文
  9. "集中托运,拼箱处理"英文
  10. "集中托运业务"英文


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