
发音:   用"集活动"造句
motor activity
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  1. Photo collection campaign - mosaic of the hong kong science museum
  2. Intensive windshear and turbulence reporting exercise 1 - 31 march 2000 the intensive windshear and turbulence reporting exercise was successfully conducted from 1 to 31 march 2000
  3. Intensive windshear and turbulence reporting exercise ( 1 - 31 march 2000 ) the intensive windshear and turbulence reporting exercise was successfully conducted from 1 to 31 march 2000
  4. Based on large numbers of classical literatures and traditional textual research methodology , this paper researches the cherry banquet , one of the activities held by the new jinshi ( newly - awarded scholars ) in the tang dynasty , and outlines the life of literati in those days
  5. Beijing yazhi prefab co . , ltd . is built by shenzhen yazhi integrate house co . , ltd . and fuzhou tongjian steel construct project co . , ltd . provides make , sell , lease , fix , safeguard , and serve as an organic whole specializing in integrate house . company s registered capital is 10 million yuan , have administrative staff , technical staff , more than 70 sales forces , producing and fixing to more than 100 skilled workers , the company bases on beijing , sets up the office separately in tianjin , hebei , shandong and other places , thus covered the whole area of beijing , tianjin , has formed the market of ring bohai gulf


  1. "集会时的灯光"英文
  2. "集会式外短衣"英文
  3. "集会室"英文
  4. "集会所"英文
  5. "集会早到的人"英文
  6. "集火花"英文
  7. "集火花者"英文
  8. "集货"英文
  9. "集货(集装箱拼装货服务)"英文
  10. "集货区"英文


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