
发音:   用"非正常状态"造句
a omal condition
abnomal condition
abnormal state
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  1. If the tracker is down , do not stop seeding . as long as the tracker is back up before you exit the client the stats should update properly
  2. These indicators are new to db2 v8 . 2 and generate attention alerts which are really information conditions indicating a non - normal state
    这些指示器是db2 “ stinger ”中新增的特性,可生成注意警报,实际上就是指示非正常状态的信息条件。
  3. An abnormal condition detected by the hardware . examples are : attempts to execute a privileged instruction and arithmetic traps such as overflow , underflow , and divide by zero
  4. New to db2 v8 . 2 and information integrator v8 . 2 , these indicators generate attention alerts when non - normal states occur in the health of one or more objects in their collection
    这些指示器对于db2 v8 . 2和information integrator v8 . 2来说,还是新生事物,当集合中一个或多个对象的健康中出现非正常状态时,它们就会生成注意警报。
  5. The dac lets an administrator access a running server in order to execute diagnostic functions or transact - sql statements , or troubleshoot problems on the server , even when the server is locked or running in an abnormal state and not responding to a database engine connection
    Dac允许管理员访问运行的服务器以执行诊断函数或transact - sql语句,或对服务器上的问题进行故障排除,即使服务器已锁定或在非正常状态下运行以及不响应数据库引擎连接。


  1. "非正常正交变换"英文
  2. "非正常正交矩阵"英文
  3. "非正常正交阵"英文
  4. "非正常重力沉积物"英文
  5. "非正常转动"英文
  6. "非正常着陆"英文
  7. "非正磋商"英文
  8. "非正当买卖"英文
  9. "非正当原因,不正当原因"英文
  10. "非正的"英文


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