
发音:   用"非生产工人"造句
unproductive labor
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  1. In 2004 , the average monthly wage rate for supervisory , technical , clerical and miscellaneous non - production workers in the wholesale , retail and import export trades , restaurants and hotels sectors was 11 , 549 us 1 , 481
    2004年,批发零售进出口贸易饮食及酒店业的督导人员技术人员文员,以及各类非生产工人的平均月薪为11 , 549元1 , 481美元。
  2. In 2003 , the average monthly wage rate for the supervisory , technical , clerical and miscellaneous non - production workers in the wholesale , retail and importexport trades , restaurants and hotels sectors was $ 11 , 549 ( us $ 1 , 481 )
    工资2003年,批发、零售、进出口贸易、饮食及酒店业的督导人员、技术人员、文员,以及各类非生产工人的平均月薪为11 , 549元( 1 , 481美元) 。
  3. In september 1998 , the average monthly wage rate for the supervisory , technical , clerical and miscellaneous non - production workers in the wholesale , retail and importexport trades , restaurants and hotels sector was $ 11 , 833 . based on the wage indices , the average wage rate for this group increased by 1 . 3 per cent in money terms , or a decrease of 1 per cent in real terms , compared with the same period of 1997
    一九九八年九月,批发零售业、进出口贸易和饮食及酒店业的管理级工人、技术人员、文员,以及各类非生产工人的平均月薪为11 , 833元,与一九九七年同期比较,以货币计算增加了1


  1. "非生产的"英文
  2. "非生产的, 与生产无直接关系的"英文
  3. "非生产的工资"英文
  4. "非生产的人工"英文
  5. "非生产费用"英文
  6. "非生产工资"英文
  7. "非生产过程中用的脱脂剂"英文
  8. "非生产积累"英文
  9. "非生产季节"英文
  10. "非生产价值区"英文


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