
发音:   用"非空集"造句
nonvoid set
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  1. Parameter combinations that have the potential to return a non - empty collection include
  2. The representation theories of mp - filter which is created by an non - empty set of a implication algebra on a partial ordered set with condition ( c ) are obtained at first . and it ' s proved that the set which contains all mp - filters of a implication algebra x , denoted by mf ( x ) = { f x f is a filter of x } , is a distributive lattice and a complete lattice also in the view of the concept of mp - filter . then the fuzzy filter of a implication algebra is discussed , and the relations between mp - filter and fuzzy filter are obtained
    借助于mp -滤子的概念,得到了偏序集上具有条件( c )的蕴涵代数中由非空集合所生成mp滤子的表示定理,证明了由其上所有mp -滤子组成的集合mf ( x )是一个完备的分配格;得到了蕴涵代数中fuzzy滤子与mp滤子的关系,给出了fuzzy滤子成为fuzzy素滤子的若干刻画;并利用mp -滤子和fuzzy滤子,刻画了一类偏序集上蕴涵代数的结构。


  1. "非空闭子信"英文
  2. "非空的"英文
  3. "非空调空间"英文
  4. "非空符号"英文
  5. "非空格"英文
  6. "非空集合"英文
  7. "非空间数据"英文
  8. "非空间数据 非空间"英文
  9. "非空间延迟反应"英文
  10. "非空类"英文


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