
发音:   用"非金属产品"造句
non-metallic products
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  1. Suitability of non - metallic products for use in contact with water intended for human consumption with regard to their effect on the quality of the water - specification
  2. Suitability of non - metallic products for use in contact with water intended for human consumption with regard to their effect on the quality of the water - high temperature tests
  3. Suitability of non - metallic products for use in contact with water intended for human consumption with regard to their effect on the quality of water - methods of test - samples for testing
  4. Clause 8 deals with the extraction of certain metals , undesirable in excessive amounts , from non - metallic products . the limits for these metals are given in table 1
    第8条论述的是如何从非金属产品中提取某些特定的金属(这些金属由于超量而不合适) ,表1规范了对这些金属的限制。
  5. Suitability of non - metallic products for use in contact with water intended for human consumption with regard to their effect on the quality of water - methods of test - the extraction of metals


  1. "非金属材料换热器"英文
  2. "非金属材料检测仪"英文
  3. "非金属材料曝光测试中寻址易变性的标准导则"英文
  4. "非金属材料试验机"英文
  5. "非金属采样器"英文
  6. "非金属产生摩擦作用的组分"英文
  7. "非金属超声波探测仪"英文
  8. "非金属衬垫材料分类系统"英文
  9. "非金属衬垫材料挠性试验方法"英文
  10. "非金属齿轮"英文


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