
发音:   用"预报工具"造句
predictive tool
  • 预报:    forecast; forecast ...
  • 工具:    tool; means; imple ...
  • 预报:    [讯] forecast; fore ...
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  1. To forecast thunderstorms , he she makes use of various forecasting aids including results from computer models and weather conditions aloft as measured with weather balloons
  2. To forecast thunderstorms , heshe makes use of various forecasting aids including results from computer models and weather conditions aloft as measured with weather balloons
  3. As such , suitable forecasting tools are needed to encompass the full range of vastly different meteorological factors over a broad range of spatial scales , from synoptic systems over the expanse of the continent down to local systems arising from orographic influence
  4. As such , suitable forecasting tools are needed to encompass the full range of vastly different meteorological factors over a broad range of spatial scales , from synoptic systems over the expanse of the continent down to local systems arising from orographic influence
  5. This paper introduces the evolution of analytic tools for viv response of slender marine structures , and then put forward a prediction model for viv of a slender riser in which fluid force coefficients obtained in forced oscillation tests are applied more directly than other similar models


  1. "预报方法"英文
  2. "预报放射物沉降情况"英文
  3. "预报分析循环"英文
  4. "预报风险的影响"英文
  5. "预报改正"英文
  6. "预报公告"英文
  7. "预报公式, 预测公式"英文
  8. "预报估计"英文
  9. "预报规则"英文
  10. "预报过程线"英文


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