
发音:   用"饱和湿度"造句
saturate humidity
saturated humidity
saturated moisture
saturation humidity
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  1. Relative humidity the ratio of the amount of water vapor present in a body of air at a given temperature compared to the maximum quantity of water vapor that body can contain at the same temperature , i . e . when saturated at that temperature
  2. We can see a lot of new pictures of induced neuron - like cells , include neuron - like cells and glial - like cells , with the apparent nerve cells . material and methods rat bone marrow cell were collected , after sacrifice of a 3 months old wistar rat , from femurs and tibias by flushing the shaft with culture media ( dmem - 10 % fetal bovine serum ) using a syringe of 5ml
    无菌条件下取股骨和胚骨的骨髓b人snd含10胎牛血清的dmem培养液1000rpm离心10分钟,吹打b人两个培养瓶,置人37 j coh饱和湿度条件下培养,隔日更换培养液,当细胞达到70融合时,传代。


  1. "饱和声压级"英文
  2. "饱和剩磁"英文
  3. "饱和剩余磁平"英文
  4. "饱和失真"英文
  5. "饱和施肥"英文
  6. "饱和湿度混合比"英文
  7. "饱和湿胀应力"英文
  8. "饱和石脑油"英文
  9. "饱和石油"英文
  10. "饱和石质土"英文


为什么新年下的决心总是实现不了  (双语)

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