
ancestral 同义词

  • hereditary, patrimonial, transmissible
    释义: 形容词 inherited or inheritable by established rules (usually legal rules) of descent; "ancestral home"; "ancestral lore"; "hereditary monarchy"; "patrimonial estate"; "transmissible tradition"


  1. ancestral 英文释义:inherited or inheritable by established rules (usually legal rules) of descent; "ancestral home"; "ancestral lore"; "hereditary monarchy"; "patrimonial estate"; "transmissible tradition"
  2. ancestral 中文翻译adj.祖先的;祖传的。 ancestral forms of life 生物的原始形态。 ancestral features 遗传性状。
  3. ancestral 法语翻译:音标:[ãsεstral]ancestral,e,auxadj. 祖宗的,祖先的,先祖的;祖传的近义词antique, immémorial, séculaire

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