
askance 同义词

  • askant, asquint, squint, squint-eyed, squinty, sidelong
    释义: 形容词 (used especially of glances) directed to one side with or as if with doubt or suspicion or envy; "her eyes with their misted askance look"- Elizabeth Bowen; "sidelong glances"


  1. askance 英文释义:(used especially of glances) directed to one side with or as if with doubt or suspicion or envy; "her eyes with their misted askance look"- Elizabeth Bowen; "sidelong glances"
  2. askance 中文翻译adv.横;斜;斜视。 The kids were eyeing him askance. 孩子们斜眼看他。 look askance at (因愤恨、嫉妒等而)斜楞着眼睛看,瞟。

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