
blind 同义词

  • screen
    释义: 名词 a protective covering that keeps things out or hinders sight; "they had just moved in and had not put up blinds yet"

  • subterfuge
    释义: 名词 something intended to misrepresent the true nature of an activity; "he wasn''t sick--it was just a subterfuge"; "the holding company was just a blind"

  • dim
    释义: 动词 make dim by comparison or conceal

  • unreasoning
    释义: 形容词 not based on reason or evidence; "blind hatred"; "blind faith"; "unreasoning panic"

  • unsighted
    释义: 形容词 unable to see; "a person is blind to the extent that he must devise alternative techniques to do efficiently those things he would do with sight if he had normal vision"--Kenneth Jernigan


  1. blind 英文释义:a protective covering that keeps things out or hinders sight; "they had just moved in and had not put up blinds yet"
  2. blind 中文翻译adj.1.盲,瞎,失明的;供盲人用的。2.盲目的,轻率的,鲁莽的;胡来的;蛮干的;蒙昧的,愚昧的,无知的,无先见的。3.无光的;隐蔽的,不显露的;匿名的。4.堵死的;一端不通的。5.未经眼见的;【航空】单凭仪表操纵的。6.无结果的;【植物;植物学】不开花的。7.难解的,不易识别的。8.失去知觉的;〔俚语〕喝醉了的。9.(书籍装订)不烫金的。短语和例子adv.〔口语〕1.= blindly.2.厉害地。短语和例子vt.1.弄瞎,使失明;把…的眼睛弄花。2.蒙蔽,欺瞒;使昏聩。3.使隐蔽,使变暗,遮暗,使相形失色。4.给(新路面)铺砂砾〔以填塞衔接处的空隙〕。短语和例子vi.(驾驶员)瞎开车。n.1.遮目物;百叶窗;帘子,屏风;〔美国〕(马的)眼罩。2.(猎人的)隐棚,埋伏地。3.障眼物,挡箭牌,搪塞话,口实。4.诱饵,?子。5.〔口语〕痛饮,发酒疯。短语和例子
  3. blind 法语翻译:blind zone盲区

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