
span 同义词

  • straddle
    释义: 名词 the act of sitting or standing astride

  • bridge
    释义: 名词 a structure that allows people or vehicles to cross an obstacle such as a river or canal or railway etc.

  • cross, traverse, sweep
    释义: 动词 to cover or extend over an area or time period; "Rivers traverse the valley floor", "The parking lot spans 3 acres"; "The novel spans three centuries"


  1. span 英文释义:the act of sitting or standing astride
  2. span 中文翻译n.1.一?〔手指张开时,拇指尖至小指尖的长度,通常九英寸〕。2.(常有短的涵义的)一段时间;很小的间隔;片刻,顷刻。3.广度,全长,从一头到一头。4.跨度;(桥礅间的)礅距。5.【航空】翼展;(气流)宽度。6.【航海】跨绳。短语和例子vt.(-nn-)1.(用拇指和小指)?,用?量。2.(眼睛)观测,看到。3.(记忆等)到,及。4.横跨,跨越,(桥)跨(在河上),架(桥在河上)弥补。5.【航海】绑住,系住。vi.(在水中)时浮时沉地向前游泳;(尺蠖)段段移进。 His political life spans half a century. 他的政治生涯长达半个世纪。 Imagination will span the gap in our knowledge. 想像会弥补知识的不足。 Over there is a small stream spanned by a wooden bridge. 那边有一条架着木桥的小溪。n.〔美,南非〕一对共轭牛,共轭马。vt.(把两头牲畜)并排套在车上。span1〔古语〕 spin 的过去式。

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