
stud 同义词

  • stud poker
    释义: 名词 poker in which each player receives hole cards and the remainder are dealt face up; bets are placed after each card is dealt

  • studhorse
    释义: 名词 adult male horse kept for breeding

  • scantling
    释义: 名词 an upright in house framing

  • rivet
    释义: 名词 ornament consisting of a circular rounded protuberance (as on a vault or shield or belt)

  • dot, constellate
    释义: 动词 scatter or intersperse like dots or studs; "Hills constellated with lights"


  1. stud 英文释义:poker in which each player receives hole cards and the remainder are dealt face up; bets are placed after each card is dealt
  2. stud 中文翻译n.1.大头钉;饰钉;【机械工程】双头螺栓,柱(头)螺栓 (=stud bolt) 轴;端轴颈;销子,中介轴;(装硬领的)金属扣,(衣袖等的)饰钮;(钟表等的)键钮;【建筑】壁骨;墙筋;中间柱。2.〔美国〕四明一暗扑克牌戏〔又叫 stud poker〕。vt.( studded , studding ) 加饰钉;用饰钮装饰;散饰,散布,点缀;用壁骨支撑。 studded with 散布着…的,点缀着…的,星罗棋布的。n.(专为繁殖、打猎、赛马等饲养的)马,马群;〔美国〕种马;种(公)畜;养马场。 a stud farm 种马农场,配种站。
  3. stud 日语翻译:sutaqdo スタッド(1)〔くぎ〕大头钉dàtóudīng,饰钉shìdīng.(2)〈機〉双端螺栓shuāngduān luóshuān,柱(头)zhù(tóu)螺栓,销子xiāozi,端轴颈duānzhóujǐng,中介轴zhōngjièzhóu.

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