
tumble 同义词

  • spill, fall
    释义: 名词 a sudden drop from an upright position; "he had a nasty spill on the ice"

  • topple
    释义: 动词 fall down, as if collapsing; "The tower of the World Trade Center tumbled after the plane hit it"

  • whirl, whirl around
    释义: 动词 fly around; "The clothes tumbled in the dryer"; "rising smoke whirled in the air"

  • topple, tip
    释义: 动词 cause to topple or tumble by pushing


  1. tumble 英文释义:a sudden drop from an upright position; "he had a nasty spill on the ice"
  2. tumble 中文翻译vi.1.跌倒,摔倒;倒塌;滚下。2.打滚,翻滚。3.翻斤斗。4.〔口语〕跌跌撞撞地来[去],慌慌张张地来[去] (to up down); 滚进 (into) 一翻身跳出 (out of)。5.(市价)猛跌。6.无意中遇到,碰见 (into on)。7.〔俚语〕(突然)察觉,恍然大悟 (to)。8.〔俚语〕同意 (to)。vt.1.摔翻,摔倒 (down) 使倒摔下来。2.扔出,扔散(衣服等);弄乱,搅乱。3.把…放入磨箱里磨光。4.打中(鸟兽等)。短语和例子n.跌倒;滚落;翻滚;混乱,乱七八糟。 all in a tumble 混乱到极点。 give [get] a tumble 〔口语〕给予[得到]好评。 have a slight [nasty] tumble 跌了轻轻一跤[一大跤]。

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