


  1. Other finds must probably be dated to as late as the 670s.
  2. In 670s he provoked some raids against the Khazars and heroically died in war.
  3. The Matras 670s were updated to the 670B specification consisting mainly of larger spoilers.
  4. In the 660s-670s, overlord.
  5. The struggle lasted through the early 670s.
  6. It's difficult to find 670s in a sentence. 用670s造句挺难的
  7. Modern historians say that Kuber's rebellion occurred in the 670s or early 680s.
  8. Helenstowe is said to have been founded by a certain Lady Cilla in the 670s.
  9. In the 670s, the new population of the " griffin and tendril " Onoguria ).
  10. Briefly in the late 670s Dorchester was once more a bishop's seat under Mercian control.
  11. In the late 670s, the Arab armies defeated these Berbers forces and made Kusaila their prisoner.
  12. The Bulgars crossed the Danube and in the 670s they have concluded an alliance with the local union.
  13. In the 670s, the Bulgars were pushed south of the Danube by the arrival of the Khazars.
  14. In the 670s or 680s, a code was issued in the names of Hlothhere and Eadric of Kent.
  15. Kashtariti, a Assyrian territory in the early 670s BCE . His allies included the Cimmerians and the Mannaeans.
  16. In the late 670s, this army defeated the Sanhadja confederation ) led by Kusaila, who was taken prisoner.
  17. 更多例句:  下一页


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