


  1. Venice hotel abbazia hotels venice italy - official site
    威尼斯hotel abbazia旅馆威尼斯意大利-正式站点
  2. In the spaces of an old abbey in the heart of venice , the hotel abbazia has rediscovered the authentic poetic atmosphere of the monastery of venice s discalced carmelite friars , which has always been an enchanting place of hospitality and tradition . the hotel is framed by a rare garden whose spaces and comfort have been enhanced by a skillful restoration
    阿芭佳酒店hotel abbazia位于威尼斯市中心的古老修道院内,可以重新体会威尼斯天主教加尔默罗兄弟会frati carmelitani ,又称托钵修会的赤脚修士scalzi诗一般的气息,是极富传统色彩和待客之所。
  3. It's difficult to find abbazia in a sentence. 用abbazia造句挺难的


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