


  1. Ackard said the state-administered survey didn't ask about the boys'dates.
  2. Silverman said in an interview that the smaller proportion of girls reporting abuse in Ackard's study made sense.
  3. Ackard said the problem of date violence is nationwide, and early intervention is critical to reduce incidents and their consequences.
  4. Hanna is shocked to discover her former boyfriend Sean Ackard ignoring his Virginity Club vows and nearly having sex with Aria.
  5. The study is unusual in examining the experiences of boys, but Ackard said the state-administered survey didn't ask about the boys'dates.
  6. It's difficult to find ackard in a sentence. 用ackard造句挺难的
  7. "Disordered eating behaviors may be a way for youth who have been abused to project the painful experience onto their body, " explained Ackard.
  8. Ackard, who's in private practice in Golden Valley, planned to present her findings Sunday at the annual convention of the American Psychological Association in San Francisco.
  9. The Minnesota group isn't perfectly representative of the United States in all its diversity, but the sample is big enough to allow for some generalizations for similar populations, Ackard said in an interview.
  10. While previous studies had similar findings for girls, the work by Ackard and co-author Dianne Neumark-Sztainer of the University of Minnesota School of Public Health is unusual in examining the experiences of boys.
  11. Psychologist Diann Ackard and public health researcher Dianne Neumark-Sztainer of the University of Minnesota used the 1998 Minnesota Student Survey to assess the health attitudes, behaviors and experiences of more than 81, 000 public high school students in Minnesota.
  12. And with about 6 percent of the boys and girls reporting some type of date-related violence by ninth grade, the study shows the need to begin preventive efforts before high school, said the lead author, psychologist Diann Ackard.
  13. And parents need to talk with their children _ even before they start dating _ about how to protect themselves, such as by dating earlier in the day, double-dating with trusted friends and finding out more beforehand about the people they date, Ackard said.
  14. The findings highlight the need for professionals who work with adolescents to ask them the right questions about their dating experiences, about peer-to-peer violence, and to open up discussions about appropriate dating behavior and how young people should respond in such situations, Ackard said.
  15. After the merger with Compaq, the new ticker symbol became " HPQ ", a combination of the two previous symbols, " HWP " and " CPQ ", to show the significance of the alliance and also key letters from the two companies "'H "'ewlett-"'P "'ackard and Compa "'q "'( the latter company being famous for its " Q " logo on all of its products ).


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