


  1. I suggest you take the east road back to aden
  2. Is it true that you ' re en route to aden
  3. Aden is a former british protectorate
  4. The aden caravan has arrived
  5. The sas were in malaya in the 1940s and aden in the 1960s
  6. It's difficult to find aden in a sentence. 用aden造句挺难的
  7. Mr fogg and his servant went ashore at aden to have the passport again visaed ; fix , unobserved , followed them
  8. We need 1500 mt / month oil well cement , if you are interested pls send us soft offer cif yemen / aden seaport
  9. It is thirteen hundred and ten miles from suez to aden , at the other end of the red sea , and she has to take in a fresh coal supply
    从苏伊士到红海的出口亚丁港,有一千三百一十海里,必须在这里加足燃料。 ”
  10. The capital and largest city of djibouti , in the southeast part of the country on an inlet of the gulf of aden . it was founded by the french in1888 . population , 120 , 000
    吉布提市吉布提最大的城市和首都,位于该国东南部的亚丁湾入口处, 1888年由法国人建城。人口120 , 000
  11. The following night they passed through the strait of bab - el - mandeb , which means in arabic the bridge of tears , and the next day they put in at steamer point , north - west of aden harbour , to take in coal
    这个名字,阿拉伯文的意思是“流泪之门” 。第二天是14号,蒙古号停泊在亚丁湾西北的汽船岬,因为要在那里加煤。
  12. The distance between suez and aden is precisely thirteen hundred and ten miles , and the regulations of the company allow the steamers one hundred and thirty - eight hours in which to traverse it
  13. Aden services in asia is a unique service provider with : 2 , 000 employees 、 80 clients 、 unique hygiene management 、 latest technology ( equipment , software ) 、 constant innovation in our service development and methods
    埃顿服务在亚洲的独到之处: 2000名雇员、 80位客户、独特的卫生管理、最新的技术(设备、软件) 、针对我们服务水平及方法的不断创新与提高。
  14. Some shipping companies allege that a coalition maritime unit called combined task force 150 that includes personnel from the u . s . , germany , and france recently stopped or slowed down its patrols in the gulf of aden , red sea , parts of the indian ocean , and other waters
  15. But this delay , as it was foreseen , did not affect phileas fogg s programme ; besides , the mongolia , instead of reaching aden on the morning of the 15th , when she was due , arrived there on the evening of the 14th , a gain of fifteen hours
  16. The visa procured , mr fogg returned on board to resume his former habits ; while passepartout , according to custom , sauntered about among the mixed population of somalis , banyans , parsees , jews , arabs and europeans who comprise the twenty - five thousand inhabitants of aden
  17. 更多例句:  下一页


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